Sexually Explicit Pictures
Sexually Explicit Pictures
Sexual Harassment & Explicit Photos in the Workplace
Courts have found that sending, displaying, or posting sexually explicit pictures while at work are a clear indication of workplace sexual harassment. If you have been the repeated target of such behavior, you may be employed in a hostile work environment. Frequent pictures, images, or other displays of an explicit sexual nature such as pornographic material can be considered offensive, intimidating, and abusive and are certainly inappropriate to a productive work environment.
What To Do When Subjected to This Behavior
If you have experienced this type of behavior at work anywhere in Orange County, you should make it known to the originator of such material that it is unwelcome. You should also make it known to your employer that you have been subjected to this type of offensive behavior.
You do not have to tolerate such behavior in the workplace. Under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, you may be entitled to compensation, policy changes, and other remedies if your employer does not resolve the situation to your satisfaction.
An Orange County sexual harassment lawyer at our firm can assist you in seeking legal recourse in such cases. Sexual Harassment Employment Attorneys has more than 90 years of legal experience, including the field of employment law and sexual harassment. We offer a free, initial consultation in which you can discuss your case in confidence with one of our experienced attorneys.
Protection Under the Law in Cases of Sexual Harassment
If you have made a complaint to your employer about sexually explicit pictures or pornography in the workplace, you are protected against any type of employment retaliation by California law. If you have been subjected to retaliatory measures, you should speak to an Orange County sexual harassment attorney at the firm immediately, who can provide the legal counsel you need. There is never an excuse to subject employees to sexually explicit photos, so don't waste time and contact us today.
Contact a Orange County sexual harassment lawyer at the firm if you have been subjected to sexually explicit pictures or pornography in the workplace. Call (888) 427-8064 today!
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